Get To The Point ASAPArticles, Legal Profession, Legal Writing5 years agoWe lawyers really, really love to talk (and to write). But our listeners don’t need all that talk and writing. Communicate tactically to win.
A Stranger In A Strange LandArticles, Law Firms, Legal Issues, Legal Profession5 years agoAdvice on how to prepare for an out-of-jurisdiction appearance or filing.
Results Define Us, But Stay GroundedArticles, Law Firms, Legal Issues, Legal Profession5 years agoThere is no lawyer who wins every argument and dominates every case. The facts of the case, not the attorney, often decide the ultimate outcome.
Don’t Be A Nerd: Sit Down, Shut Up, And Write SomethingArticles, Law Firms, Legal Profession, Legal Writing5 years agoStop procrastinating and just write something down.
Get Out Of Your Bubble To Know Your StoryArticles, Legal Profession5 years agoYou can’t get the best results for your clients if you stay in a bubble.
Stay Busy (Just Enough) To WinArticles, Law Firms, Legal Profession5 years agoYou and your team will be happier—and do better work for your clients—if you have a lot to do.
Summer’s Over, Get To Work, And Make Positive ChangesArticles, Law Firms, Legal Profession5 years agoFall is a great time to turn over a new leaf.
When It Comes To Inquest Hearings — Or Any Court Appearance — Expect The UnexpectedArticles, Courts, Law Firms, Legal Profession5 years agoRather than having to panic, it’s always best to be overprepared.
That Sucked! Now What?Articles, Law Firms, Legal Profession5 years agoSometimes we lose and it is not our fault, but if we can identify points of weakness or procedural missteps that led to a bad event, it is our duty…