
Looking To the Future

As tuition rises and the number of job openings shrink, the legal world is attempting to deal with a looming crisis.  For a long time, bloggers have been writing about…

Cyber Warfare: Outside the Boundaries of Law

Since the advent of modern day computing and the internet, cybercrime and cyber security have become increasingly important issues.  Cybercrime, which includes unauthorized access of computer networks, theft of documents…

The J.D. Dilemma

Nobody would disagree with the assertion that obtaining higher education is beneficial.  Unfortunately, maybe a J.D. should no longer be included in that consideration.  Only 55% of J.D. students in…

Albany Sets Sights on Gun-Control Laws

As the debate over gun-control laws plays out on the national stage, lawmakers in New York have already begun laying out the blueprint for legislation that would significantly curb gun…